What clients think...

“I’ve learnt so much. I already knew what I should and shouldn’t be eating. Through the programme, I’ve learned practical tools and techniques to help me create lasting change. It’s completely changed my relationship with food and my body.”
"Within my first week of EC Transform, I began noticing changes. It’s completely transformed the way I think about food and fuelling my body. I’ve noticed changes in my eating habits and my hunger levels.
This programme has been exactly what I needed to begin the next chapter in my life of feeling and looking the way I want to."
“It’s week 3 of EC Transform and I’ve already had to get a belt for my jeans which no longer fit properly. The real change is the total mindset flip and my relationship with food.
With any other ‘diet’, it’s been a struggle to shift my mindset and has felt a lot of effort. Now, I don’t find myself thinking about my next meal until I’m actually hungry. The changes have felt natural and second nature. It’s felt so effortless.
I’m drinking way more water, a lot less bloated and generally feeling so much better in myself.
I’m so happy I signed up and can’t wait to see where I will be in another 3 weeks.”

“It’s week 5, I’m feeling better in my clothes and I’ve had compliments from friends who have noticed my weight loss.”

“I’m eating more mindfully and stopping when I’m full rather than when my plate is empty.
I’m looking forward to getting to the gym and trying new classes - I wasn’t confident enough to before!
I feel less bloated and more confident, reaching for clothes I haven’t worn in a long time!”
"I'm amazed I've lost almost 6 pounds since I started, and that includes 1 weeks all inclusive holiday!!!! And it's been effortless, I think I have stopped eating when I'm full and haven't felt the need to snack as much."

"Honestly the best thing I ever did! I went to Italy last week. Instead of pasta and tiramisu, I was automatically reaching for salad/roasted veg and fruit. My first holiday I’ve got back from and not put on loads of weight!"
“It’s really enlightening to have a new self awareness about my relationship with food and have helpful strategies to support me.
As a busy Mam, I find it very difficult to switch off and take time for myself - hypnosis is now a great addition to my routine.
I find it easier to make healthier choices and have noticed I have more energy!
I love that I’m not focussed on food and thinking about my next meal. It’s such a difference to other programmes I’ve tried. I’ve dropped at least one dress size! Definitely a great decision to sign up to the programme.”

“I cannot say how much this programme has changed my mindset and life. My skin is looking so much better and I have a jawline! I procrastinate less!
I don’t think about food, like, at all! When I calorie counted I became obsessed with how much I could have and when I knew I would go over my calories, I’d then binge. Now I eat what I fancy at the time and stop when I’m full.
I’m a big wine drinker and noticed I’m not drinking as much. I snack less, if at all. The other night I fancied chocolate, I got a bar out, had 4 pieces and put it away, 6 weeks ago I would have finished the whole bar!”